Changing your ATM preference
You can change your ATM preferences at any RCU ATM. The easy-to-follow screens will prompt you through the entire process, but here’s what to expect:
- Insert your card and enter your PIN as you normally would.
- Select "ATM Preferences" on the bottom left of the screen.
- The ATM will prompt you to select from the following preferences:
- Language – Change English or Español as your default language.
- Fast Cash Amount – Change your custom amount to dispense for “fast cash” (must be in multiples of $5).
- Receipt Preferences – Change the transaction type, then choose whether to always print a receipt, never print a receipt, or always ask if you want a receipt. You can make a selection for each of these transaction types “My Fast Cash,” “Fast Cash and Withdrawals,” and “Deposits and Transfers.”
- Your updated preferences will appear next to the selection buttons. Verify that they are all correct and press Save Preferences.
- You can make changes to your ATM preferences at any time.